As implied, spoiling has occurred. And I'm a brat? Meh. Anyway. Pictarz!
What you see before you is a rear Spoiler from an R32 Skyline GTS-T, teetering precariously on the Cefiro's boot lid. I actually cannot recollect what swayed my decision to purchase an R32 GTS-T Spoiler specifically, yet alone a spoiler at all. I just perhaps felt that it could, use one? Anyway, the spoiler came from a local fellow, literally 10 minutes away; hoping it's fine to utilise a picture of his car, here it is as per its previous habitat:

Why haven't I gone for an optional Cefiro spoiler? Well, it'd be counter intuitive for me to explain away with laborious typing, so I'll let illustrations explain:

R32 GTS-T Spoiler > Ugly Blob
To go further in depth (I've just had my Oatibix) essentially, the profile of the GTS-T Spoiler in my opinion just suits the car far better than the optional spoiler - it's straighter-edged, lower, yet longer, helping to make the spoiler seem sleeker. As a result, I feel this helps to elongate and give a defining edge to the otherwise nondescript curve of the boot lid. It works very well on the above GTS-T Skyline, and I think it will work just as well on the Cefiro with its lower roof line. Amazingly, the dimensions are almost ideal, this following picture illustrating the very slight disparity in width, which I'm sure some gentle persuasion may coax into line:
I do feel in future that a subtle crescent shaped "Duck Tail" boot lid would suit the Cefiro well though. Why have I spent money on a factor as inane as aesthetics? Because STFU. That's why.
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